Senin, 13 Desember 2021

Healthy Meals To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Healthy Meals To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Photo Courtesy: Aja Koska/E+/Getty Images

It is possible to lose stubborn belly fat, but you may need to go about it in more than one way. On their own, diet alterations or exercise might not be enough. Instead, you have a better chance of burning belly fat successfully by increasing the amount and intensity of your exercise routine; cutting excess sugar from your diet; and ensuring that you get enough sleep at night. Although these changes can target belly fat specifically, they can also help you lose weight overall.

Exercise can help reduce belly fat, which is sometimes referred to as visceral fat. However, you cannot target belly fat with a specific exercise; rather, you simply need to burn more calories than you take in.

Photo Courtesy: Anupam Mahapatra/Unsplash

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 30 minutes of moderately vigorous exercise at least five times a week. That's a total of 150 minutes per week. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to take up running or renew your gym membership. In fact, incorporating a brisk walk or bicycle ride into your day are good places to start. Changing your habits in small ways, like parking further away from your office or opting for the stairs instead of the elevator, can help reshape your lifestyle.

However, if you enjoy going for a jog, it is important to note that running (or other vigorous exercise) for 25 minutes a day at least three days per week can yield similar results in half the amount of time. The general rule is that the harder you exercise, the quicker you'll chip away at that visceral fat.

And don't forget strength training: Try to get at least two sessions in per week of strength training using either free weights or machines. According to the lead author of a 2018 study in the journal Cell Metabolism, "regular exercise training reduces abdominal fat mass and thereby potentially also the risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases."

Watch Your Diet

You don't have to change your diet drastically to cut down on belly fat. In particular, cutting back on your daily sugar consumption can reduce belly fat, even if you start by reducing sugary beverages.

Photo Courtesy: Travis Yewell/Unsplash

Sugar increases belly fat — even when it's coming from fruit juice. This is because the juicing process removes fiber and leaves just the sugar behind. Soluble fiber can reduce belly fat, which is why you should opt for whole fruits instead of juice. Eliminating sugary drinks, such as sodas, can also decrease belly fat. Replace that can of soda with a glass of water and reap numerous benefits. Additionally, try replacing a high-fat, sweetened dessert with an assortment of your favorite fresh berries.

For your belly's sake, focus on reducing carbs more than just counting calories or fat. Research suggests that incorporating monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oils, olives, nuts, and avocados, can help fight belly fat.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the experts at the American Heart Association agree that the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in "good" fats, can help lose weight and keep belly fat at bay. These foods are often higher in unsaturated fats, and they're also lower in calories and rich in nutrients. The Mediterranean diet largely consists of legumes, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables — and derives most of its healthy fats from food sources like olive oil, fish, and nuts. Aside from potentially helping to reduce belly fat, this type of diet can also lower the risk of heart disease.

Monitor Your Sleep

Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can cause abdominal fat to accumulate, especially in younger individuals. According to the Sleep Foundation, researchers have discovered that getting even an extra hour of sleep can make a big difference. The study in question showed that those who slept less than 5 hours per night were more likely to gain abdominal fat over a 5-year period compared with those who slept 6 or 7 hours each night.

Photo Courtesy: Bruce Mars/Unsplash

Additionally, a 2019 study published in the journal Medicine showed that adults and children who got less sleep were more likely to be obese or overweight. These folks were also more likely to exhibit disordered eating behaviors and experience metabolic changes and a decrease in physical activity.

Stay Active Beyond Working Out

Staying active doesn't necessarily mean working out. Taking small breaks during the day can be crucial, especially if you sit for a large portion of the day. Research has shown a direct correlation between sitting for prolonged periods ― 30 minutes or longer ― and an increased risk of health problems, including obesity.

Photo Courtesy: Roman Bintang/Unsplash

A 2017 study in the Annals of Human Biology showed that participants who sat for at least eight hours a day had 62% higher odds of obesity compared to those who sat for less than four hours a day. If your job involves sitting at your desk for eight hours a day, set a timer and get up for a few minutes every hour. This could involve taking a short walk, refilling your water glass, or simply standing and stretching. As an added bonus, this helps refresh your brain.

Resource Links:

  • "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans" via U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • "Taking Aim at Belly Fat" via Harvard School of Medicine, Harvard University
  • "Women's Health" via Mayo Clinic
  • "Effect of diet with or without exercise on abdominal fat in postmenopausal women – a randomized trial" via BMC Public Health
  • "8 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life" via John Hopkins Medicine
  • "Abdominal fat and what to do about it" via Harvard School of Medicine, Harvard University
  • "Soluble fiber strikes a blow to belly fat" via Science Daily
  • "How Do Monounsaturated Fats Help You to Lose Belly Fat?" via LiveStrong
  • "Factors Associated with Visceral Fat Loss in Response to a Multifaceted Weight Loss Intervention" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "How exercise reduces belly fat in humans" via Science Daily
  • "Exercise-Induced Changes in Visceral Adipose Tissue Mass Are Regulated by IL-6 Signaling: A Randomized Controlled Trial" via Clinical and Translational Report (Cell Metabolism)
  • "What is the Mediterranean Diet?" via American Heart Association
  • "Sitting time and obesity in a sample of adults from Europe and the USA" via Annals of Human Biology
  • "Diet and Exercise and Sleep" via Sleep Foundation
  • "Assessment of sleep and obesity in adults and children" via U.S. National Library of Medicine


Healthy Meals To Lose Belly Fat Fast



Minggu, 12 Desember 2021

Exercises To Lose Belly Fat For 13 Year Old Boy

Exercises To Lose Belly Fat For 13 Year Old Boy

23 Tricks to Flatten Your Belly—Without a Lick of Exercise

The waistline is the top body part that both men and women say they are most self-conscious about. Here are simple ways to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach for good!


Become a pro at probiotics

Our gut microbiome controls far more than we give it credit for, which is why having your gut colonized with beneficial types of bacteria is so important. One way to do this is by taking a probiotic supplement. You can also make these 12 foods that boost good gut bacteria part of your everyday diet. Not only will this help you get sick less, feel happier, and ease digestion but it can also help you de-bloat, flattening out your tummy in the process. Try these home remedies to lose belly fat.

iStock/Joshua Resnick

Move the salt shaker off your table

Salt, in moderation, is a good thing—the mineral is necessary for a healthy heart and brain. But too much salt and you'll retain water, bloating up like a water balloon. Cutting salt is one of the primary ways to drop extra water weight (one reason you may see a big weight loss when starting a new diet!). Move the salt shaker off your table so you'll get out of the habit of routinely salting all your food. Then if you taste your food and still really want salt you can still stand up and get some. For more weight loss benefits, add these fat-burning foods to your plate to help you lose weight.


Spit out your gum

Many people chew gum as a way to stifle cravings or prevent mindless eating but this tactic may have an unfortunate side effect: belly bloat. Everyone naturally swallows a small amount of air when they chew but it's magnified for people who chew gum, which causes gas and bloating. In addition, some artificial sweeteners have been shown to increase your appetite for junk food, so gum could be increasing your waistline on two fronts.


Back off the beer

It's called a "beer belly" for a reason. Boozy bubbles are a major cause of belly bloat, as anyone who's ever looked in the mirror after a few too many drinks can attest. But it's not just the carbonation that is the culprit. Alcohol can lead to an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your stomach, leading to gas, not to mention all the empty calories that are going straight to your waistline. Instead, skip the alcohol altogether or limit yourself to one serving per day.


Listen to your mom and stop chewing with your mouth open

First, it's gross. Second, chewing while breathing through your mouth can make you swallow as much air as food, causing your belly to inflate. Learning proper table manners will not only help you keep a trimmer tummy but will also make your friends and family much happier. These are 8 other common causes of a bloated belly.


Tame your sweet tooth

Sugary treats, while obviously delicious, aren't very good for our bodies—and that includes our tummies. Not only do the added calories add inches to our waistlines, but sugar overload leads to insulin resistance, which tells the body to store extra fat around the waist. But that's long-term stuff. Sugar also bloats your tummy in the short-term by feeding the bad bacteria in your gut, leading to extra gas. When it comes to flattening your belly, nixing sugar is one of the best things you can do including these 42 other easy tips to lose weight fast!


Get your hormones checked

Out-of-whack hormones have all kinds of uncomfortable side effects and belly bloat is one of them. There's a reason that bloating is one of the primary complaints women have during menopause! While you can't turn back the clock and reclaim the hormone profile of your 20's, you can make sure you're within the normal range—something your doctor can check for you. In the meantime, eating right and exercising are natural ways to balance your hormones.


Get down to business in the bathroom

Nearly 20 percent of Americans suffer from chronic constipation and being perpetually backed up can affect your whole body, including uncomfortable bloating and swelling in your stomach.


Channel a toddler and refuse to eat your broccoli

Cruciferous veggies are one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat, but unfortunately they're also the ones most likely to cause your tummy to inflate. Thanks to raffinose, a compound that produces extra gas as it breaks down, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and the like can seriously increase your waistline. But don't ditch them forever. Just save them for meals where you can wear loose pants. Here are other surprising foods that cause gas.


Move up your bedtime

Americans are getting less sleep than ever these days and it's taking a toll on our health—most visibly on our waistlines. Losing just 30 minutes of sleep per night can make you gain weight, according to a study done by the Endocrine Society. Worse, that weight is more likely to go straight to your tummy. Instead, the researchers found, the best sleep cycle is one that follows your natural circadian rhythms, which means sleeping and waking around the same time as the sun. Here are the 7 ways to banish belly bloat in your sleep.


Pass on processed food

Processed foods are one of the biggest sources of salt in Americans' diets—and the scary part is you probably don't even realize it. Because of the way these addictive foods are formulated, salt is hidden in everything from soups to pasta sauces to even sweet things like boxed cakes. Swap out processed foods in favor of fresh fare and your tummy will thank you. Not only will you lose the salt-bloat but you'll also lose the extra empty calories and lose weight. Learn about these 50 more ways you can lose weight without a lick of exercise.


Rethink your drink

Want a flatter stomach? Look in your glass—milk and soda are two major causes of tummy inflation. Approximately 65 percent of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy, which means that your glass of warm milk before bed may be the reason you wake up with too-tight pajamas. And when it comes to soda, both regular and diet are belly busters both from the sweeteners used and the carbonation. Try eliminating these from your diet and see if it helps flatten your tummy.


Guzzle water

Whereas many beverages can increase your waistline (see above), there is one that is guaranteed to trim your tummy: water. Drinking plain ol' H2O works because staying fully hydrated tells your body it's okay to release any extra water it's retaining, decreasing the accompanying bloat. Plus, drinking water has been proven to reduce cravings for sweets, lower your appetite, and help you feel satiated faster. Here 9 more ways to bust belly fat in a single day!


Put a fruit bowl in the middle of your counter

Fruits like berries, cherries, apples, and oranges are high in quercetin, a natural compound that reduces inflammation in the belly. And if you put a bowl of the good stuff right where you can see it in your kitchen, you're more likely to reach for it when you want a snack. These are the 10 reasons why apple cider vinegar is brilliant for slimming down.


Spice up your life

Fennel, peppermint, and ginger have all been shown in research studies to have calming effects on the belly. They work by enhancing digestive enzymes so your food gets moved through your system faster. And faster-moving food means a flatter tummy. In addition, peppermint reduces cramping and gas, ginger helps with nausea and inflammation, and fennel is a diuretic to help you stop retaining water.


Perfect your posture

Want a flatter stomach in two seconds? Stand up straight! Slouching emphasizes belly rolls but straightening your spine elongates your whole body, making you look taller and sleeker. Want to go even flatter for a picture? Use the old modeling trick and arch your back slightly—this will pull your skin tighter across your stomach while moving it farther away from the camera, making it look slightly smaller. Yeah, it's a temporary fix but good posture offers many health benefits beyond looking good.


Take a chill pill

Stress skyrockets your levels of cortisol, often called "the belly fat" hormone because it signals to the body to store fat around your waist. Add the daily stressors of living our modern lifestyle and you can see how cortisol can be constantly coursing through your veins. This perma-stress mode isn't good for a lot of healthy reasons, your tummy being just one of them, so it's important to take time every day to de-stress. Yoga, meditation, walking, journaling, doing a hands-on hobby, or playing a musical instrument are all great time-tested methods. (Hint: Know what isn't? Watching television. The boob tube actually increases your levels of cortisol!)


Turn off your electronics

Your phone, tablet, and television may be affecting your waist size in more ways that one. Obviously if you're sitting on electronics then you're not moving around and burning calories. But the effects go beyond just energy. Blue light from electronic screens can disrupt your circadian rhythms; so our addiction to electronics is reducing our sleep as people favor Netflix-bingeing to bed. Both of these effects have been linked to higher levels of belly fat. These 21 other terrible habits will make your belly fat worse.

iStock/Peter Hermus

Wear shaping underwear

Spanx are maybe no one's idea of a good time, but sometimes you just need a little extra (firm) help to flatten your tummy to wear your favorite dress or for a special evening out. And there's nothing wrong with turning to technology to help you get there. Body shaping undergarments have come a long way in the past few years with more breathable fabrics and styles for both men and women.


Fill up on fiber

Fibrous foods are as close to a "miracle belly flattening pill" as we have. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, particularly those high in soluble fiber, have been proven to reduce fat around your midsection. In addition, these foods fill you up so you eat less, flattening your stomach over time. Try one of these 5 easy ways to turn off your fat genes and keep the weight off for good.


Consider surgery

No, we're not telling you that you need a tummy tuck (although that would flatten your belly, we suppose). Rather, there are several common health conditions that can make your belly bulge and until you fix the anatomical issues underneath, nothing else can flatten it out. For instance, many women have a diastisis recti, or separation of the abdominal muscles, after pregnancy. In about 25 percent of these women, the muscles never quite come back together, leading to a permanent protrusion. Similarly, a hernia (congenital or from an injury) can also cause your belly to stick out. Both conditions can be resolved surgically.

iStock/Troels Graugaard

Quit smoking

Do you really need another reason to drop the cancer sticks? Fine: Smoking is making you fat. Not only does lighting up not help you stay slim—an all-too-common myth about smoking—but people who smoke have a higher concentration of fat around their midsection.


Treat irritable bowel syndrome

IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is the most common gastrointestinal disorder. IBS symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, and bloating—So. Much. Bloating. While the causes aren't all known, it's thought to be linked to lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, hormones, and stress. Sufferers often find that making changes in these areas eliminates or reduces their IBS (and their stomach circumference!). Here's how these 10 myths about fat can keep you from losing weight.

Originally Published: January 14, 2019

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Exercises To Lose Belly Fat For 13 Year Old Boy



Rabu, 01 Desember 2021

Tips For Creating A Branded Powerpoint Template For Library

Tips For Creating A Branded Powerpoint Template For Library

  • You can create your own PowerPoint templates, which you can then open later and use.
  • To create a PowerPoint template, create a new presentation and edit it however you like, and then save it as a "Powerpoint Template."
  • Making a PowerPoint template can save you time if you make many similar slideshows.
  • Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

If you use PowerPoint often, and there isn't an available template for the type of presentation you normally make, you probably wish that there were.

As it turns out, though, that's an option — you can actually make your own PowerPoint template at any time, so that when you want to make a similar presentation again, all you have to do is open the template.

Once you make your PowerPoint template, you can even share it with colleagues, and make everyone's life a little easier.

Here's how to create your own template in Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac or PC.

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How to create a PowerPoint template

First, you have to create the template that you want. Here's some tips on how to meaningfully set up a template.

1. Open PowerPoint on your Mac or PC and open a new, blank presentation.

2. Click "Design" at the top of the window, and choose a slide size and a theme. If you'd like, you can customize your theme using the Format Background button on the right.

You can start with a number of basic design options.
Melanie Weir/Business Insider

3. Next, go to the "View" tab and select "Slide Master." Doing this will allow you to view your master slide at all times, and use it to create other slides.

Open the Slide Master.
Melanie Weir/Business Insider

4. From here, you can edit any number of things about your PowerPoint. Play around with the different buttons and settings until you find a look that you like for your presentation.

One important thing to know how to do, though, is add a placeholder for an image, chart, or other piece of media you may need.

To add a placeholder, go to the Slide Master tab and click the button labeled "Insert Placeholder." Select a type from the dropdown menu, then use your cursor to click and drag the placeholder to the spot you want it.

To add a placeholder, choose a placeholder type, and click and drag to create it.
Melanie Weir/Business Insider

Once you've finished creating your template and are satisfied with its design and functionality, it's time to save it.

To save your template on a PC:

1. Go to "File" and click "Save As" (or, if you're using Office 365, "Save A Copy"), and click "Browse" to pick a place to save it.

When you're done, save the file.
Melanie Weir/Business Insider

2. Click the dropdown menu next to "File Type" in the pop-up, and from the list, select "Powerpoint Template." When you do this, PowerPoint will automatically change the save location to the appropriate folder for you.

3. Give it whatever name you like, then click "Save."

Save the file as a template, instead of a slideshow.
Melanie Weir/Business Insider

To save your template on a Mac:

1. Click "File" at the top of the screen, and then click "Save as Template..."

2. In the pop-up that appears, choose a name for the template and set where you'd like it to be saved. By default, it'll be saved in a folder reserved for PowerPoint files.

3. Next to "File Format," click "PowerPoint Template (.potx)." If your presentation contains macros (if you don't know what this means, chances are you don't have any), select "PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template (.potm)" instead.

4. Click "Save."

To use your template the next time you open PowerPoint, just open the template file, or select your template from the list when you open PowerPoint. You may need to click a tab labeled "Personal."

Related coverage from Tech Reference:

  • How to download and access Microsoft PowerPoint on your Mac computer

  • How to embed a YouTube video into your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations using a Mac or PC

  • How to convert Google Slides to a PowerPoint presentation in 4 easy steps

  • How to convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides in 2 different ways

  • How to copy or duplicate a PowerPoint slide and put it anywhere in your slideshow

Melanie Weir

Freelance author

Melanie Weir is a freelance author for Insider, mainly focusing on the Tech Reference section, but occasionally contributing to Lifestyle and Entertainment topics as well. She is also a freelance writer for ScreenRant, and is the Lead Weekend News Editor at In her spare time she writes plays for both stage and screen. She can be reached at, or through LinkedIn.

Insider Inc. receives a commission when you buy through our links.

Tips For Creating A Branded Powerpoint Template For Library



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